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Wednesday, August 26, 2009
2 down, 1 more test to go.
and i know i havent been working hard this semester so far.

frustrating. i give up lah.

11:55 PM

Sunday, August 9, 2009

oh yah, happy national day! it has always been one of my favourite holidays. =)

1:15 AM

Monday, August 3, 2009
the long overdued pictures of mei's bdae costume party: look at wen's evil expression!

siyin's bdae celebration:


a very very delicious meal mom cooked some weeks ago for dad's bdae...im so hungry just by looking at the pics again lah...
went to explore Ion after class on thurs with beatrice =)
tests are starting soon, the 1st one to come right after national day holiday. argh.
this semester is really irritatingly difficult!
i guess there are no ifs afterall.
alright, class at 2pm tml, i'll catch some gossip girl now. =)

12:24 AM

Monday, July 27, 2009
check out my new addition, twitter! hahhaa.

wanted to post mei's party pics...but something wrong with blogger lah, i cant even find the upload pictures button now. argh.

anyway, met up with my guide girls on sat to celebrate siyin's bdae. nice food, not very expensive, and most importantly, good company. i love laughing about our funny good old guiding days with them. =)

oh, and next week i'll be going on my 'forced' 1 week leave from work...will be so free! date me date me!!!

11:31 PM

Monday, July 20, 2009
i should concentrate more on school,
and stop thinking about things that might never happen.

and stop splurging on unnecessary stuffs too! ha.

1:19 AM

Sunday, July 12, 2009
pictures post!
k-ing with wen and mei at chervons a few weeks back:

mei bought a wig, and so we started playing around with it...
nice hor? but....
it looks freaking ugly on me lah!!! wahaha.

celebrated mei's bdae yesterday at chervons again.

this time round, she had a theme which we are to strictly follow...costume party! ok nvm...we will do this just for our friend. =)
lucky it was just within the ktv itself, or else i'll just die wearing this in public lah haha.
alright, will upload the pics when i get them.

12:09 AM

Sunday, July 5, 2009
its july already! time passes soooo fast. just a random thought, haha.

basically i spent my 2 months holiday working working and working. but actually it was quite enjoyable, having the chance to grow closer to my colleagues and getting to know new ones who joined recently. =) shall not mention about the shit work we all have to endure sometimes though, and especially now due to h1n1. haa.

attended Nisa's wedding with colleagues this morning, after that was shopping time with beatrice. not a very long but still very fruitful trip, waha. i have way too many dresses now, and i still cant stop buying! work attire= jeans, and work takes up 2 or 3 days per week, meaning i dont even have enough days to wear dresses wahaha. crazy me. oh but my buy of the day is my havaianas! cheap cheap at 25 bucks =)

alright, slacking day tml before work+classes start again. hopefully work will be as good as friday.

oh and and, harry potter is coming again! cant wait to watch.

12:09 AM






to stay happy
nokia E71
nice job
overseas holiday
uni of my choice
new hair colour
more savings
lots of sashimi.ha
decent grades

lets talk.


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